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Take a Stand.

Take a stand. What does that mean?

Most people probably believe taking a stand means taking a side. Standing up for something you believe in. Making your voice heard and speaking for those who can't or won't speak for themselves. In today's controversy, these are all very admirable and, indeed, important in our history, the present and our future.

I want to take it step back... I believe we cannot do anything for others or change the world by looking outside ourselves.

ALL change must begin within. When we change, the world changes. As the great Wayne Dyer would say, "change your thoughts, change your life". In other words, change the way you see things and the things you see will change.

We must first take a stand for our self! Taking a stand is making firm decisions. Having clarity about what you want and what you don't want. Living up to your full potential. Standing tall in all of who you are and who wish to be. Keeping your promises and commitments you made to yourself; being integrous. Having the courage to accept all of who you are; your light and your darkness.

I'm reminded of the saying; "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". I believe this to be true. If you don't' stand in yourself, if you don't know what you want; you will be trapped in a vicious, never-ending experience of limbo. Do I want to do this, or maybe that would be better? Oh, what about this?! As a result, nothing happens. You're so busy trying to decide that time passes you by and nothing happens. It's like a tire spinning in the mud. Going nowhere fast no matter how much gas you give it.

Taking a stand kicks the law of attraction into action! When you take a stand in who you are, who you want to be, what you want, the Universe/God/Source will respond according! It's kinda like ordering something out of a catalog. When you purchase a shirt online, you must first decide on the type of shirt, the color, the size, how many you want, etc, etc. You have to know all the details with specificity or guess what?! you can't check out! There's good news, everything you've ever desired is already yours. You would not have had the thought or idea if it wasn't meant for you.

Now, if you're like me, when you order something you want it now. Express Shipment, please. Yes, I'll pay extra. Now, to get the express order - you have to put in some work. But not the kind we're used to. We are so conditioned to understand that big things take time, that to have a lot of success we must work long hours.

Here's a little secret. Have you heard of compounding before?? I would argue people know about it, but they don't know it. They've heard the term, but they don't truly "get it". The first thing I think of when I hear the word is money... compounding interest, the higher the interest the faster my money grows. What a beautiful, amazing concept! Making my money work for me without me putting in more effort. Yes please!!!

But how do we get the things we want, faster??? The answer, we compound time. What?! You're probably saying, you can't compound time. It's finite. We all get 24 hours in a day. We can't make more time, it's the only thing we can't replace, renew or get back.

Ah, here is the secret... We can compound time by increasing our vibrational frequency. Let me explain. Have you ever had the experience where your day just kept getting worse, things don't get any better and "the shit" just seems to keep piling on? Tell me about how you were feeling during that time. My guess, the worse it got, the worse it got, right? After some period of time, you kinda threw your hands up and said I give up, I can't deal with this anymore and you stopped giving it so much energy. Stopped thinking about it. Maybe even believed, 'well, this is just how it's going to be.’ Then all the sudden, things stopped being so bad. As a matter of fact, they may have even started to improve a little. Just enough to give you hope. You felt that hope and all the sudden, the better things got, the better things got.

The Universe/God/Source doesn't know how to say no to you. It only gives you what you are asking for at a vibrational level. So in the case above, when you stopped focusing and giving energy to how "bad" things were you stopped spiraling down the staircase of despair. Contrast or adversity is a good thing though. It let's us know what we don't want.

Your vibrational energy is what compounds time. It's how we express deliver our life orders.

Figure out what it is you want in this life and start BEING that way. Start FEELING the way it would feel as if you were already in possession of it. Because it's already yours! (isn’t that great news?!) You just have to be on the same wavelength.

Like a radio station, if you want to hear country music you must tune your dial to match the frequency that station is on. If I want to listen to classical but my dial is tuned into heavy metal, I’ll never hear classical music.

I want Financial Freedom (the ability to do what I want, when I want, with who I want). What that feels like to me is - freedom, peace of mind, choice, giving, confident, relaxed, carefree, fun, excited, eager, unstoppable, love. The more I feel these emotions the faster what I want will align with me and be in my physical possession.

So, take a stand. BE as if it was already, DO the things and take action, HAVE the results.

Take a Stand in yourself so that others may be brave enough to do the same.


Money Duchess


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