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Go F$%! Yourself

No, really. Go FUCK yourself. Go fuck things up, make mistakes, be vulnerable, get your heart broken, say the wrong thing, be too much for people, be confused about life, be afraid.

It will be the best lesson(s) you have ever gained!!

I mean really. If I got it right every time, there would be no need for me to share my thoughts or this blog. The Money Duchess, would not be here today. I would not be building an empire and living my dream life.

I have Fucked myself so many times, so many ways, I’ve lost track. But here’s what I haven’t lost track of… without being in situations of “I’m so fucked right now” or “I fucked that up” or, a personal favorite, “Oh Fuck” I wouldn’t be who I am today.

So often we are so fearful of what others think of us or needing approval. So worried about being perfect or getting it right that we don’t do anything!! We miss the greatest opportunity of our life! Which is to completely screw it up, be embarrassed, lose control, not know what’s happening, let people down. Let ourselves down.

I'm not saying intentionally do the wrong thing, be malicious, neglectful or hurtful towards others. I am saying, try new things, try things you didn't think you could do. Dare to be more. I don’t know about you, but I have rarely got something right on the first attempt.

Even learning to walk was a stumbling challenge full of bruises.

Is it hard? Yes. Is it painful? Yes. Is it worth it? YES, YES, YES! A thousand times YES!

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is fucking it all up. That is the biggest moment of growth. ….. That is, if you allow it to be.

It's the biggest opportunity you will EVER. Have. To learn…. What you are made of, what you can overcome, who you are, what you will fight for, what you are CAPABLE OF!!

How else would you ever know?! If you never pushed your limits, never sought out more? Always played it safe, did what you were supposed to, what people expected of you. How would you know that you are living up to your full potential? That you lived your greatest self in this lifetime?

What if you broke thought the chains that hold you back, the fears that shackle you in doubt? What then? What would you become, what could you become if there was nothing holding you back?

We have to get fucked up so that we can grow and become better versions of ourselves.

The fastest way to success for me has been to Fail Forward. FAST. In other words, Fuck it up. A LOT. And Fast! Naturally, we will get better the more we do things. Sure, it’s uncomfortable at times. And definitely hard.

Probably the hardest thing I have ever done was to let go of the old me to welcome a new me.

It doesn’t get easier, you just get better. You'll look back in awe of yourself, saying "I can't believe it made it through that!" "look how far I've come!" "It really wasn't so bad after all" "Wow, I am a BADASS!"

I am so incredibly proud of the person I am and thank my old self daily for fucking it up, over and over again! I have deeper relationships. First of all, with myself. I had to let go of who I was for who I am. And believe me, that WAS NOT EASY! I was addicted to suffering, to “the struggle”. Thinking that because I was struggling, that meant that I was “grinding it out’ that “I was working hard”. And, sure. It did mean that as well.

The truth is, until I FUCKed myself and really FUCKED IT ALL UP, I didn’t know anything. I didn't KNOW about me, what I was doing, who I was being and mort importantly, what I was capable of.

In my darkest hour, I found my light. I found my strength and I got unfucked. I’m looking forward to the next fuckening of my life because it just means that I am growing and becoming a new and improved version of myself once again. And I know it means BIG results and GREAT things are about to happen.

The only thing holding you back is your unwillingness to FUCK yourself.

So please – without remorse, without reserve. With love and respect – go FUCK yourself.


The Money Duchess

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