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The Human Spirit

The Human Spirit

It’s times like tonight that I am awe of the human spirit. The generosity of people, the willingness to fight evil and the prevalence of love.

Evil will prevail when enough good people stand by and do nothing.

I’m reminded of this saying as I reflect on this evening's event. I think about how tragic it is that some people have to endure so much.

That there is a place in this world, and not a small place, where people suffer daily and their spirit is broken.

Can you imagine, at the age of twelve, being broken to the extend that your eighty year life span is now left with seven? The trauma, the pain, the hopelessness. It's heart retching.

Tonight I witnessed a room full of people come to an awakening, a deeper understanding and a call to action.

I witnessed people come into their voice and find strength in themselves.

I witnessed the passion and commitment of ordinary people coming together, uniting and becoming extraordinary changing the world.

I witnessed the next generation of leaders as a 12 year old girl commanded the room and request this information be shared at her school.

Our children are facing evils we could never fathom. They are struggling through a new world where selfie 'likes' are more addicting then crack-cocaine.

We must take a stand. We must make a change and that change can only start within.

It is through our own personal example, being an ambassador for good and through compassion and love that we can end the evils of the world.

It takes courage to survive. It takes courage to stand up for yourself. It takes courage to say no. It takes courage to go against the crowd. It takes courage to believe in yourself. But we are not alone.

When we stand together, when we SHIFT ourselves, we can shift the world.

Whatever your cause is, whatever purpose calls to your heart. Follow it, pursue it and share it with the world. The world needs you. I need you. You need you.

Much Love

The Money Duchess

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